To create super natural action that cannot be done with a single body, new specification 4 joint bodies pursuing the balance setting to the limit. Create a natural live wobbling that you never had before!! At fast retrieve, it attracts with tight wobbling action, making it possible to search to the area with the speed of retrieving. The biggest disadvantage at low speed retrieve, it is weak action. But it has been improved with slow-wide action gets many bites of trout. The third action after wobbling and rolling, live wobbling is total new action in area trout fishing category. Valkein brings a evolutional product to you!
To create super natural action that cannot be done with a single body, new specification 4 joint bodies pursuing the balance setting to the limit. Create a natural live wobbling that you never had before!! At fast retrieve, it attracts with tight wobbling action, making it possible to search to the area with the speed of retrieving. The biggest disadvantage at low speed retrieve, it is weak action. But it has been improved with slow-wide action gets many bites of trout. The third action after wobbling and rolling, live wobbling is total new action in area trout fishing category. Valkein brings a evolutional product to you!
To create super natural action that cannot be done with a single body, new specification 4 joint bodies pursuing the balance setting to the limit. Create a natural live wobbling that you never had before!! At fast retrieve, it attracts with tight wobbling action, making it possible to search to the area with the speed of retrieving. The biggest disadvantage at low speed retrieve, it is weak action. But it has been improved with slow-wide action gets many bites of trout. The third action after wobbling and rolling, live wobbling is total new action in area trout fishing category. Valkein brings a evolutional product to you!
To get the trout you want you need the Kuga Nano Sinking! This is the Sinking model that joins the Kuga Nano series. With a super slow sinking design that goes with the fall speed, the Kuga Nano S has an amazing attraction power that allows you to attack the deep ranges where the floating model cannot. With a floating action that appeals to highly active fish, the sinking action is designed to appeal to these fish in high pressure situations. When the approach is matched perfectly with the range, you will see the power and effectiveness of the Kuga Nano S!
Realis Pencil 110 sets a standard for all walking baits. The reinforced, thin wall construction aids the creating more internal volume to the body cavity. The consequence is excellent durability, high buoyancy and a further acoustic range. At first glance, the Pencil looks round and linear like other walking baits but closer examination reveals the body shape is oval with flat areas giving it superior aero dynamics for its size. The intelligently designed ballast system not only gives the lure superior casting range, it provides additional services. It has a dual weight configuration. One weight is fixed and the other is positioned to move on a track. This gives the lure a superior tacking action. “Tacking” is the side to sidetracking cadence also known as “walking the dog”. The impact of the weights also creates an amplified dual tone. This high pitch can be heard from extreme distances giving the lure more calling power. The innovative Pencil 110 provides an angler with the ability to reach his target in a single cast, immediately initiate walking-action, and “call” the fish from greater distances.
Realis Pencil 110 sets a standard for all walking baits. The reinforced, thin wall construction aids the creating more internal volume to the body cavity. The consequence is excellent durability, high buoyancy and a further acoustic range. At first glance, the Pencil looks round and linear like other walking baits but closer examination reveals the body shape is oval with flat areas giving it superior aero dynamics for its size. The intelligently designed ballast system not only gives the lure superior casting range, it provides additional services. It has a dual weight configuration. One weight is fixed and the other is positioned to move on a track. This gives the lure a superior tacking action. “Tacking” is the side to sidetracking cadence also known as “walking the dog”. The impact of the weights also creates an amplified dual tone. This high pitch can be heard from extreme distances giving the lure more calling power. The innovative Pencil 110 provides an angler with the ability to reach his target in a single cast, immediately initiate walking-action, and “call” the fish from greater distances.
Realis Pencil 110 sets a standard for all walking baits. The reinforced, thin wall construction aids the creating more internal volume to the body cavity. The consequence is excellent durability, high buoyancy and a further acoustic range. At first glance, the Pencil looks round and linear like other walking baits but closer examination reveals the body shape is oval with flat areas giving it superior aero dynamics for its size. The intelligently designed ballast system not only gives the lure superior casting range, it provides additional services. It has a dual weight configuration. One weight is fixed and the other is positioned to move on a track. This gives the lure a superior tacking action. “Tacking” is the side to sidetracking cadence also known as “walking the dog”. The impact of the weights also creates an amplified dual tone. This high pitch can be heard from extreme distances giving the lure more calling power. The innovative Pencil 110 provides an angler with the ability to reach his target in a single cast, immediately initiate walking-action, and “call” the fish from greater distances.
Realis Pencil 110 sets a standard for all walking baits. The reinforced, thin wall construction aids the creating more internal volume to the body cavity. The consequence is excellent durability, high buoyancy and a further acoustic range. At first glance, the Pencil looks round and linear like other walking baits but closer examination reveals the body shape is oval with flat areas giving it superior aero dynamics for its size. The intelligently designed ballast system not only gives the lure superior casting range, it provides additional services. It has a dual weight configuration. One weight is fixed and the other is positioned to move on a track. This gives the lure a superior tacking action. “Tacking” is the side to sidetracking cadence also known as “walking the dog”. The impact of the weights also creates an amplified dual tone. This high pitch can be heard from extreme distances giving the lure more calling power. The innovative Pencil 110 provides an angler with the ability to reach his target in a single cast, immediately initiate walking-action, and “call” the fish from greater distances.
Il Realis Jerkbait 85SP è il più piccolo della gamma DUO Realis Jerkbait. Con il suo corpo compatto e raffinato, può fermarsi e muoversi in modo efficiente attraverso l'acqua senza deriva senza scopo. Il suo basso centro di gravità offre un movimento stabile e reattività in diversi recuperi.
Il Coltsniper Rock Walk 110F è un WTD di ultima generazione della Shimano per la pesca in mare. E' una combinazione tra un WTD classico ed uno stickbait, sviluppata per realizzare azioni sia sul pelo dell'aqua, che sotto la superficie. L’artificiale ha un corpo 3X affusolato per consentire lunghi lanci e per riuscire a scorrere bene in acqua in modo da realizzare un'azione rapida. Inoltre è ideale per insidiare pesci quali: barracuda, pesci serra, spigole, palamite, e non solo.
Esca di tipologia popper con camera a bolle frontale. Lavora a differenti velocità, emana bolle dalla doppia camera producendo forti suoni scoppiettanti. Design che combina forza e stabilità.