The model provided for Vertical Jigging, “JIGPARA VERTICAL” Debut! The price is affordable but the spec is authentic. The coating is 6-layers. You can drop it on rugged rock bottom. The action of slow type: Laying action at jerking (minimizing slide distance) and irregular falling including slow horizontal falling, sliding back and spiral falling. Enjoy offshore jig fishing!!
The model provided for Vertical Jigging, “JIGPARA VERTICAL” Debut! The price is affordable but the spec is authentic. The coating is 6-layers. You can drop it on rugged rock bottom. The action of slow type: Laying action at jerking (minimizing slide distance) and irregular falling including slow horizontal falling, sliding back and spiral falling. Enjoy offshore jig fishing!!
The model provided for Vertical Jigging, “JIGPARA VERTICAL” Debut! The price is affordable but the spec is authentic. The coating is 6-layers. You can drop it on rugged rock bottom. The action of slow type: Laying action at jerking (minimizing slide distance) and irregular falling including slow horizontal falling, sliding back and spiral falling. Enjoy offshore jig fishing!!
La nuova serie Crostage Tairubber Model sono canne sviluppate dalla Major Craft per la tecniche del Tai Rubber e Kabura. Si adattano bene per la pesca del Tataki al calamaro. Hanno una ottima sensibilità nelle fasi del movimento dell'esca. Il fusto garantisce una buona riserva di potenza.