
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr

Manufacturer: Zetz
Slow Blatt Cast Oval è l'evoluzione della serie Slow Blatt casting jig. Il suo corpo è ovale e più largo del modello Wide. Questa caratteristica le permette di oscillare ancora più lentamente rispetto agli altri modelli della serie. Utilizzato nella pesca a Shore Jigging e Slow Jigging. Viene dotato di un doppio assist hook Decoy in testa e un assist hook singolo in coda. Può essere usato anche come un normale metal jig nella pesca a spinning dalla barca sulle mangianze.
11Types Available

Peso: 20 gr.

Lunghezza: 60 mm.

Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr G-157
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr G-157
SKU: 021548
Availability: 4 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr G-552
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr G-552
SKU: 018886
Availability: 6 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr H-531
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr H-531
SKU: 016538
Availability: 5 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-158
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-158
SKU: 021547
Availability: 4 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-510
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-510
SKU: 016546
Availability: 8 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-530
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-530
SKU: 016537
Availability: Out of stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-547
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-547
SKU: 016547
Availability: 15 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-556
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr MG-556
SKU: 018885
Availability: 6 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr RA-159
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr RA-159
SKU: 021545
Availability: 4 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr RA-160
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr RA-160
SKU: 021546
Availability: 2 in stock
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Picture of ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr SL-161
ZetZ Slow Blatt Cast Oval 20 gr SL-161
SKU: 021549
Availability: 2 in stock
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